geographies of participation

Yakup Öz’ün uluslararası bir makalesi yayınlanmıştır

Makalenin yayınlandığı tarih: 23 Mart 2021

Makale Başlığı: Geographies of Participation in Learning Abroad Mobility Among European Youth: A Comparison of Student and Non-Student Groups in the EU Member States

Makale Öz/ Abstract: In recent decades, learning abroad mobility has become a popular movement and has often been considered among students in higher education. However, in the European Union (EU) context, opportunities to learn abroad are also provided for non-student groups of youth. Accordingly, this study aims to examine the role of certain socioeconomic factors concerning participation in learning abroad mobility and to compare their contribution between students and non-student groups of youth in six country groups in the EU. In so doing, a quantitative method was followed by using the data of Flash Eurobarometer 478. Findings of the multinomial logistic regression analyses show that although there is no significant difference between the EU15 and NMS (new member states) regarding young people’s participation in learning abroad mobility, such difference occurs within the NMS. Students are more likely than nonstudents to participate in general. The age of students, being female and living in rural areas among non-students can also hinder participation.

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Yayınlandığı dergi adı: Current Issues in Comparative Education (CICE)

Yazarların sıralı isimleri: Yakup Öz