higher education

Yakup Öz ve Adnan Boyacı’nın uluslararası bir makalesi yayınlanmıştır

Makalenin yayınlandığı tarih: 4 Ekim 2021

Makale Başlığı: The Role of Student Engagement in Student Outcomes in Higher Education: Implications from a Developing Country

Makale Öz/ Abstract: This study aims to develop an engagement scale in higher education in a developing country context experiencing a rapid massification in its higher education system and includes an administration of this newly developed engagement scale to examine the association between student engagement and outcomes. Accordingly, the engagement scale was developed and administrated in a four-year state university in Turkey. Findings showed that the model established with engagement dimensions significantly explains the GPA, odds of being satisfied with the university experience, and the odds of pursuing postgraduate studies. Moreover, learning strategies played a mediating role between hours devoted to academic studies and GPA. Similarly, interaction with faculty mediates between several student characteristics and the odds of planning to pursue postgraduate studies.

Makaleye Erişim Linki: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S088303552100149X

Makale Anahtar Kelimeler: Student engagement, higher education, developing country, state university, student outcomes

Yayınlandığı dergi adı: International Journal of Educational Research

Yazarların sıralı isimleri: Yakup Öz, Adnan Boyacı

Armağan Erdoğan, Betül Bulut Şahin ve Tugay Durak’ın British Council-Türkiye tarafından desteklenen uluslararası projesi tamamlanmıştır

Proje adı: Strengthening UK-Turkey Higher Education Partnerships: Baseline Research Findings

Projeye katılan araştımacılar:
Prof. Rachel Brooks, Surrey Üniversitesi – İngiltere
Doç. Dr. Armağan Erdoğan, Beykoz Üniversitesi
Dr. Betül Bulut Şahin, ODTÜ
Tugay Durak, University College London – İngiltere

Projeyi fonlayan kuruluş: British Council Türkiye

Proje süresi: Kasım 2020 – Mart 2021

İçerik Özeti:
 Bu araştırma, Birleşik Krallık ve Türkiye’deki yükseköğretim kurumları arasında kurumsal ortaklıklar kurmadan önce, sırasında ve sonrasında karşılaşılan mevcut durumu, potansiyel fırsatları, kapasiteyi ve engelleri anlamak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Kasım 2020 ile Şubat 2021 arasında, hem Türkiye’de hem de Birleşik Krallık’ta 30 üniversite ve 15 ulusal politika yapıcı kurumdan nitel veriler toplanmıştır. Ulusal düzeydeki önemli kuruluşların ve yükseköğretim kurumlarının üst düzey temsilcileriyle bireysel görüşmeler, akademik personel ve öğrencilerle odak gruplar ve ulusal politika yapıcı kurumlar ile yükseköğretim kurumlarının strateji belgelerinin analizi yapılmıştır. Projenin sonuç raporuna aşağıdaki linkten ulaşılabilir:

Etkinlik ile ilgili websitesi bağlantısı: https://www.britishcouncil.org.tr/he-baseline-research

Meltem Akbulut-Yıldırmış, Fatma Nevra Seggie, Serap Emil ve Betül Bulut Şahin’in uluslararası bir kitap bölümü yayınlanmıştır

Yayın tarihi: 2021

Kitabın başlığı: Women and Leadership in Higher Education During Global Crises

Kitap bölümünün başlığı: Women Leaders in Higher Education in Turkey During the Pandemic: The Illusion of Gender Equality 

Kitap Bölümü Özeti/ Abstract: 
This chapter presents the lived experiences of women academic leaders in higher education during the pandemic period in Turkey. The chapter elaborates on the illusion of gender equalities for women in higher education through formal and informal support mechanisms. The authors then present recent knowledge and experiences of women academics in the country during the pandemic and how these experiences have impacted all aspects of life. The authors conducted online interviews with 20 women leaders at varying levels of higher education. The overall findings show that the lack of support mechanisms due to quarantine measures has created an overwhelming workload and challenging personal life experiences for the respondents. The women leaders observed in our study utilized strategies like collaboration, shared decision-making, and constant communication to motivate their colleagues and staff. The idea of “help” and fair share needs to be further examined due to its significance on gender equality for women leaders in academia.

Kitap Erişim Linki (varsa): https://www.igi-global.com/book/women-leadership-higher-education-during/255427#table-of-contents

Yayınevi: IGI Global

Yazarların sıralı isimleri: Akbulut Yıldırmıs, M., Seggie, F. N., Emil, S., Bulut Sahin, B.

Elif Bengü’nün bir makalesi yayınlanmıştır

Makalenin yayınlandığı tarih: Nisan 2021

Makale Adı: Makerspace: Innovation in mechanical engineering education

Makale Öz/ Abstract: The complexity of industrial developments requires engineering students to have hands on experience as well as theoretical engineering knowledge. There is a need for a change of classical engineering curriculums. Makerspaces can be a crucial part of this change. They are introduced as physical locations where engineering student’s curiosity is fed and solutions to problems are found through teamwork. Their use in higher education can also provide an opportunity for students to engage in experiential learning. They can develop a large range of soft skills that traditional undergraduate curriculum is unable to provide, such as planning, teamwork, critical thinking and communication. There are still limited studies about the full effect and impact of these spaces in teaching and learning, from the pedagogical perspective. The aim of this study is to determine students’ experiences with such spaces and examine how makerspaces are contributing to their learning. Descriptive research method (one-on-one interviews and normative survey) were used to evaluate students, graduate assistants and a faculty members’ perception of the space and depict the situation. The results of this study showed that students want more than theoretical knowledge from their engineering education. They want to be able to gain hands on experience while they are learning theory. While designing a makerspace for that purpose, the sustainability and the functioning of these spaces should be taken into consideration. The findings of this study can provide guidance for the institutions that are planning to build a makerspace in their campuses.

Makaleye Erişim Linki/ Doi Linki: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/1707525

Makale Anahtar Kelimeler:  makerspace, higher education, engineering education, innovation, hands-on learning

Yayınlandığı dergi adı: Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi

Yazarların sıralı isimleri: Elif Bengü, Emin Faruk Keçeci

Muhammet Damar tarafından bir makale yayınlanmıştır

Makalenin yayınlandığı tarih: 01.04.2021

Makale adı: Türkiye’de Yükseköğretim Kurumlarının Bilimsel Üretkenliğinin İzlenmesi: Mevcut Durum Analizi ve Öneriler

Makale Öz: Uluslararası platformlarda benimsenmiş pek çok üniversite sıralama sistemi bulunmaktadır ve bu sıralama sistemlerinin ortak noktası, bilimsel üretkenlikle ilgili ölçütlere verdikleri önceliklerdir. Bu noktada, kurumlarını daha üst basamaklara çıkarmak isteyen devlet ve kurum yetkilileri, ilgili performans göstergelerini yakından ve etkin bir şekilde izlemeye ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu çalışma, kurumların bilimsel üretkenlik düzeylerini nasıl izlediklerini ve gelişmiş kurumlarda yer alan uygulama bileşenlerini ve politikaları ne kadar benimsediklerini ortaya koymaktadır. Form eşliğinde temsili bir örneklem grubuyla yapılan birebir görüşmelerden ve kurumların çevrim içi duyuru kanallarından elde edilen veriler özetlenerek sunulmaktadır. Elde edilen veriler ışığında, sorunların ortaya çıkmasına neden olan tüm durumlar daha görünür hâle getirilmekte ve çözüm önerileri geliştirilmektedir. Genel bulgular, performans izleme süreçlerinin birbirinden farklılık gösterse de, her kurumda var olduğunu, ancak bazı önemli performans boyutlarının tüm kurumlar tarafından etkin biçimde izlenemediğini göstermektedir. Örneğin, belirli akademik performans göstergelerinin dikkate alınmasına rağmen, gösterge değerlerinin iyileştirilmesine yönelik hedef ve politikaların stratejik planlarda net olarak ifade edilmesinde ve alan bazlı takip edilmesinde eksiklikler olduğu görülmektedir.

Makale Abstract: In the rapidly developing and changing world, higher education institutions have taken their places among the institutions struggling in global competition conditions. With the educational processes, the opportunities they provide to their students, employees, researchers and society, and the values they create with these stakeholders, these institutions are in an effort to progress in the ranking steps. There are many university ranking systems adopted on international platforms, and the common point of these ranking systems is the priorities they give to the criteria for scientific productivity. At this point, authorities who want to move their institutions to upper levels need to closely and effectively monitor the relevant performance indicators. This study reveals how institutions monitor their scientific productivity levels and how much they adopt implementation components and policies in well-developed institutions. Data obtained from one-to-one interviews with a representative sample group accompanied by a form and from online announcement channels of institutions are summarized and presented. In the light of the data, all situations that cause problems to occur are made more visible and solutions are suggested. General findings show that although performance monitoring processes differ from each other, they exist in every institution, but some important performance dimensions cannot be monitored by all institutions in an efficient way. For example, although particular academic performance indicators are taken into account, it is observed that there are deficiencies in clearly expressing the goals and policies towards the improvement of the indicator values in the strategic plans and following them on a field basis.

Makaleye Erişim Linki/ Doi Linki: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/1681071

Makale Anahtar Kelimeler: Yükseköğretim, Üniversite, Akademik performans yönetimi, Bilimsel üretkenlik (Higher education, University, Academic performance management, Scientific productivity)

Yayınlandığı derginin adı: Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi/ Journal of Higher Education and Science

Yazarların sıralı isimleri: Muhammet DAMAR, Güzin ÖZDAĞOĞLU, Onur ÖZVERİ